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Submit a Case or Appeal

Below are templates for you to use when filing a case or appeal. You are by no means obligated to use them, but they may be helpful when formatting all the necessary information about a case. It is important to know that you can request an informal clarification on the governing documents by simply asking a member of the JudBoard; official cases set a precedent and are thereby more weighty. We may ask you to submit a case if we are not able to or comfortable clarifying something.


Once you have completed your request, email it to, and we will get back to you with more information.

Speaking with the Judge

Request a Hearing

You can request a hearing for a case using the template below. The information contained in the templates outlines what the Board will be considering in the case, namely relevant clauses and actions (possible or taken) that relate the clauses.

Signing a Contract

Appeal a Ruling

If you wish to appeal a case, you can do so either to the Council or Judicial Review Board. The Bylaws of the Judicial Review Board outline which types of appeals each body will hear.

Submit a Case: Publications
Judge Gavel

Submit a Case

Form submissions will be emailed to the Judicial Review Board.

Are you requesting advice from the Board or wishing to schedule a hearing?

Thanks for reaching out. We’ll get back to you soon.

Submit a Case: Support

©2020 by MIT Judicial Review Board.

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